
Film Analysis: Close Contact Culture

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They were a close contact culture. Greeks have a closer relationship with their family than Americans. Greeks attach great importance to their family and they were a funny family and the dad didn't really like ian because he wasn't greek he was American Toula was a 30 year old who worked in her parent's restaurant with no boyfriend then she started online computer classes for college then got a boyfriend and they dated and soon got married and they put windex on everything and then on the wedding day they both had 1 huge bump on there lip then the parents gotta learn how to get along with ian and ian has to get along with there huge family and at the end of the movie the dad buys them a house that was right next door and they had a daughter. They lived in chicago with their parents where the restaurant dancing zorba. Toula lived with here whole family because they were always at her house. Their family always hugged or touched when they seen each other because they are a close contact culture and that means they always are touching or something like that. …show more content…

And they were always playing tricks on ian mostly the brother and dad because they really didn't like him because of his culture and they found out that he was a vegetarian and that no one knew that that was a big surprise at the party but at the end the families came together and she married him but it was 2 different cultures throughout the whole movie american and greek this was a good movie all around and it's good to learn about different

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