
Film Analysis Of Inglorious Basterds

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Tarantino intentionally chose to create a film around despising Nazis because Nazis are a group that all the world agrees to hate, and agree that their actions and beliefs were evil, which makes Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime the gold standard of evil, that is why when people are referred to as Nazis, it’s not exactly to say they want to lock Jewish people up, it’s because the word Nazi itself has become synonymous with evil. So, to say Inglorious Basterds is a character centered historically inaccurate movie that uses war and Nazis as a backdrop to tell a narrative of evil being subjective. The most important character in this movie is Hans Landa portrayed by actor Christoph Waltz. The character Hans Landa perfectly portrays how evil can be subjective, speaking to slash film Christoph Waltz explained the character by saying
“I don’t think these swastikas are so important to him. It’s not so much ego-driven, it’s just a very thorough understanding of how the world works. What makes him so intriguing is exactly that; he’s not driven by an ideology. When people say ‘Nazi’, it’s such a gross generalization, I feel. And sometimes I feel compelled to say, “Well, he’s not even a Nazi.” Yes, he wears that uniform, but he doesn’t care. Not about Nazi ideology. He’s completely unideological. He just understands how the world turns, and in that way, he’s three steps ahead of everyone else”. (Stephenson, 2017) By the character not caring about the Nazi ideology it shows

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