
Film Analysis Of The Movie : Mad Max : Fury Road

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Mad Max: Fury Road is the kind of movie in which everything connects to everything else. Although the world that George Miller creates is extremely surreal and exotic to modern viewers, he takes great pains to make it as internally consistent and logically sound as possible. The film always plays by its own rules, no matter how strange they may be. Every object and action fits snuggly into place like puzzle pieces of the grand picture that is this worlds culture and backstory. One single object in this world can reveal much of its social and political structures, along with many aspects of the culture and environment. Also, because George goes to such great lengths to ground the film in reality and reason, it can provide many insights on real world issues despite being set in a completely foreign place. Immortan Joe’s chest plate uncovers many social, political and cultural aspects of his world, and provides relevant commentary on many issues in today’s world. The chest plate gives clues as to what type of government is in the Citadel and shows how Joe gains and maintains power. The chest plate insights feelings of fear and awe in those below him. From far away, the abs imprinted on the plate make Joe seem like a strong and powerful man. After seeing this, people will want to follow him, either out of respect at his ability to stay strong and powerful in his old age, or fear of what he will do to them if they rebel. In truth, this is all a lie whose sole purpose is to

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