In the movie, Shawshank Redemption, the narrator of the movie named Red recounts how he planned and carried out his wife’s murder by disabling her brakes, which accidentally killed a neighbor and child. He earned a life sentence at the Shawshank Prison. Red also remembers the arrival of an inmate named Andy Dufresne, Andy was sent to Shawshank for life for the cold-blooded murder of his wife, Linda, and her lover. Despite the evidence placing him at the scene of the crime on the night of the murders, Andy has always maintained his innocence, which Red eventually believes him also. Andy has some difficulty adjusting to prison life. Despite these hardships, however, Andy never complains or loses his confidence. Soon after arriving at Shawshank, Andy approaches Red and asks him to procure a rock hammer because he’s interested in rock collecting and carving. After a while, he also pays Red to smuggle in some polishing cloths. After a few years, Red and Andy both find themselves on a work crew, tarring the roof of the prison’s license plate factory. Andy overhears a prison guard complaining to the other guards about the taxes he’ll have to pay on the $35,000 he just inherited from his long-lost brother. Andy offers some financial advice by telling him to give the money to his wife as a one-time tax-free gift. Andy even offers to fill out the paperwork for the guard in exchange for giving three beers to each prisoner on the work crew. Andy becomes a valuable financial resource to
1. A degradation ceremony is a ceremony in which people are stripped of their personal identities and thrown into a brand new situation; something that they have not experienced before. An example of this from the movie was when the men first arrived at Shawshank Prison at the beginning of the movie. As they were walking in, they were surrounded by the “experienced” convicts and teased. They were then stripped naked, covered in powder to make sure they did not have lice, and then forced to walk throughout the prison with everyone staring at them. No one should have to go through this, the act was humiliating enough. This degradation ceremony was like a welcoming to the new convicted felons, and
reds relationship with the guards and inmates are the only reason red has had a successful stay at shawshank. throughout shawshank red makes many deals with the guards not only improving his time at shawshank but giving him a higher status in the prison " Nine or Ten names drawn out of hat and two of them happend to be Andy's and my own" (Page 40) It can most deffinitely be inferred that red made some sort of deal with the gaurds to get the both of them on the roof top considering it was a desired job and nearly seventy other men also wanted the job. Red's relationship withthe gaurds gets him the things he wants when he wants giving him a more positive outlook on the time he is serving. Red is known as the man who can get you things arounf shawshank. Nearly everyone comes to him for anything from cigarettes to a rock hammer. He not only makes a profit off of the items he gets for people he gains a source of power within the prison. Red being the man who can get things is really what sparked the relationship between Andy and Red. " I heard your the man who knows how to get things" (Pg 27) Short but sweet some of the first words shared by andy to red. This is a major monent in the novella because this
Andy Dufresne had absolutely no reason to have hope or determination. He was declared guilty of a crime he did not commit, and was sentenced to serve two life terms in prison, back to back. However, Andy was determined to find purpose in the mundane life of the prison, since he had the choice to “get busy living, or get busy dying” (Scene 293). On account of his education in finances, he received the opportunity to use his knowledge for the benefit of assisting the employees of Shawshank as well as attaining normalcy. This opportunity, along with many others assisted Andy in finding purpose in his life.
In the novella, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, the reader follows the life of Andy Dufresne, who was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and a golf pro. Author Stephen King, who is known for his simpler, conversation esque writing, describes Andy’s experiences and attempt to escape from Shawshank Prison where he is being held. Red, Andy’s most valuable friend while in prison, is also in prison for killing his wife, but in contrast to Andy, he actually did it. Andy is constantly denied his freedom for parole or when evidence arises proving his innocence because of his role running the illegal money laundering scheme for Warden Norton. Throughout the novella, both characters display moments of similar, but also at times vastly different, levels of hope. King uses the way characters, such as Red and Andy, view hope as either a means of escape or simply futile in the novella to show how the circumstances surrounding a tragedy or difficult situation change a character’s mindset on hope and in turn dictates the actions they use to cope.
The plan that he brings together is a representation of Andy Dufresne's prudence and having such a virtue paid off for the protagonist of this story by the end. The start of this was as soon as Andy began talking to Red. When Andy realized the connections that Red had he asked him for rock pick because he was an amateur geologist before he was put into Shawshank. Andy claims for the longest time that he is just using the rock pick to shape the different rocks that he finds throughout his time at Shawshank prison. Meanwhile he is actually using the pick to escape from prison. He admittedly told Red that it would take 50 years to escape through Shawshank with the pick, so it really wasn't worth worrying about whether or not he would escape or not. This whole thing shows how prudent Andy really was. He never told anyone of his plan and just kept on going everyday. He covered everything up and disposed of all the extra stone and seemed to have every facet of his operation covered. Nobody ever saw it coming and that was on purpose.
The Shawshank Redemption is about Andy Dufresne, A banker from Maine who is sentenced to two life terms in a harsh prison, Shawshank Prison. Andy claims he's innocent, but many doubt him. During the first night, Red an inmate that was in for murder,and his friends bet on which new inmate would break down first and he bets on Andy. Red lost the Bet, and loses two cigarettes. Andy approaches Red, who smuggles contraband into the prison and asks him for a rock hammer. Andy claims it's for his hobby of rock collecting, but Red suspects he would use it to escape. Red quickly loses interest, when he sees how small the tool really is. Red and Andy, get jobs detailing roofs on the prisons buildings. Andy overhears Chief Guard Hardley, complaining about paying taxes for the money he is about
While many movies have depicted various areas of the criminal justice system, the Shawshank Redemption is like no other. I first watched the film many years ago on television and since have seen it numerous times on platforms such as DVD and Netflix. The key stars in the production, are actors Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Other standouts that who are featured in supporting roles included actors Bob Gunton and Clancy Brown. The film was directed by Frank Darabont who is known for criminal justice films such as the Green Mile. The Shawshank Redemption was first released in theaters September of 1994.
Andy Dufresne is knowing he is innocent of his crime and is determined to be free and live his dreams. At Shawshank State Prison, it may seem like the inmates are controlled and unable to do anything. However, Andy and the other inmates took every opportunity to make themselves feel freer. Although Andy is convicted sentenced to life in prison his self-determinism for extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are clear throughout the film. The experiences that Shawshank brings does not hinder the self-determinism that he shows. It’s always a possibility that someone could escape a prison yet no one thinks it can happen. The maximum-security prison in the film The Shawshank Redemption is no joke however through determination Andy Dufresne can accomplish it. Upon arrival to the prison Andy had to adapt to direction that his life was heading. Even though he knows of his innocence he is incapable of just walking out and has to deal with the nuisances in his way. The characters feel like freedom is something that they always look forward to, but near the end when Brooks and Red are paroled they soon realize the changes around them and can’t adapt. Nevertheless, Frank Darabont does an exceptional job of showing the emotions that the charters had to go through in this prison escape film. It seems as though the point he is trying to get
Andy always had something special about him and he developed a unique reputation right from his first year at Shawshank. Andy had a “sense of his own worth… a sense of freedom… an inner light” in him and an “unwavering faith that someday the long nightmare would end” (pg. 24,30). This had alway intrigued other convicted because all of their hope is lost unlike Andy’s. Even though Andy is not outrightly inspiring others hope for escape through his words, his own self-motivation illuminates himself enough for others to desire the feeling he has. This is especially true with Red who became one of Andy’s friends at Shawshank. Once Andy escaped, Red realized that he now had a sense of hope that rooted from Andy. Andy was now “a part of [Red] that they they could never lock up” and “if [he] had never known Andy, [he] probably would have” committed another crime. However, since Andy took his own life into his own hands, it motivated Red to do the same. Andy became a source of motivation and proof that true escape is possible. The constant hope that drives Andy towards his actions and the perseverance in his nature, shows others that there are two choices: “ Get busy living or get busy dying”(pg. 66). It is a true decision that one has to make where one can either remain trapped, or strive to the relief of escape. Even though multiple struggles are obstructing at time, Andy
Shawshank Redemption is directed by Frank Darabot, published in 1995 Australia. The film focusses on the theme of forgiveness and escape. It follows an unusual friendship between Andy and Red set in a 1930’s American prison. The main focal scenes explored include: Brooks suicide and Tommy’s death. The film is to be narrated by Morgen Freeman (Red), it shows the 20 year period of Andy’s imprisonment. As a part of the analysis emphases on the scenes as it introduces the audience to the Shawshank prison and Andy’s first moments when attends to the prison to the very moment when he escapes to Mexico.
Hope in The Shawshank Redemption helps to keep Andy alive and allows Andy to anticipate the next sunrise with happiness rather than sorrow. Hope is created by Andy and his knowledge of his awful situation. Hope allows Andy to think of a time where everything will be better, even if it seems that Andy is stuck in a never-ending hell. The opening of The Shawshank Redemption introduces the audience to the main character, Andy Dufresne. He has just been accused and convicted of the death of his ex-wife, and her lover. This opening seeks to arouse curiosity by bringing the audience into a series of actions that have already started thus creating slight confusion for the audience (Bordwell and Thompson 85).
The film that I will be analysing is “The Shawshank Redemption”. The Shawshank redemption is a film that was directed by Frank Darabont in 1994 and it was set in 1947. This film is about a young hotshot banker named Andy Dufresne, who was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. For this crime he was given a double life sentence and he was sent to Shawshank prison to serve this sentence. While in prison, Andy makes a couple of friends and his best friend in prison is named Red. Red runs the black market in Shawshank prison and he knows how to get things. Over the span of 20 years Andy earns the respect of his fellow prisoners and he also earns the respect of some of the guards by doing their taxes for them in return for just a couple of favours. The extract that I have chosen to analyze is the rooftop scene.
A man by the name of Andy Dufresne was convicted of murdering his wife and her lover and was sentenced to two consecutive life terms in Shawshank prison. He was an obvious black sheep among the prisoners, but as time went on he grew relationships with the crooks and realized the injustice in the justice system. In the creation of friendship between Red and Andy, hope was spread throughout the prison. While many themes are present in the film The Shawshank Redemption, hope, friendship, and injustice are also relevant in the world today.
In the film The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont the purpose of the beginning sequence is to introduce us to Andy Dufresne and his situation; being accused of the murder of his wife and her lover. This sequence uses lighting, music, sound and camera work to show us Andy’s struggle.
The movie “Shawshank Redemption” shows what goes on in a prison. The movie depicts the part of a prison that most people are not aware of. People think of a prison as a place a person is tortured physically as well mentally. However, all that being said true, friendship, hope, and loyalty exists in prison. The movie shows how the main characters Red and Andy build a friendship that lasts in life after prison and loyalty among the inmates. Besides the development of friendship, the movie clearly shows the everyday routine of a prisoner’s life. The movie focus on the main characters Andy, who used to be the vice president of Portland bank before entering prison convicted with a double murder of his cheating wife and a man she was with and