
Film Studies Unit 3 Essay

Decent Essays

Task 3:
Contemporary Africa is shown as a violent and dangerous place, were the vulnerable are exploited by greedy and unscrupulous people and enterprises. Older African films depicted a much more untouched and peaceful Africa, however this pristine area has now suffered much exploitation as a result of the western influence. The directors have used a variety of film techniques in order to distinguish this new trend of Africa films from the elder ones.

Camera work:
Handheld camera shots are used in both films to create a sense of immediacy and to portray the horror of what the victims are experiencing. For example in The Constant Gardener, when the village is raised by Bandits, the camera work evokes the panic of the villagers. A similar effect is achieved in Blood Diamond in the scene of the helicopter attacking the Rebel controlled mine.

Mise-en-scene: …show more content…

The overturned truck is symbolic of what happens when people who try and expose the corporations. In the Constant Gardener the director switches from Europe to Africa and the contrast between the two places is stark. In Blood Diamond the focus on the the violent rebels, child soldiers and atrocities such as the cutting off a man hand, depict Africa as a brutal place.

Sound is used to reinforce this perception of Africa as chaotic and cruel place. Loud rap music is affiliated with the Rebels in Blood diamond, as well as other discordant noises such as swearing, laughter and gun shots. Even in the quieter scenes such as the one at the bar, there is still evidence of corruption. In the Constant Gardner the tranquility Justin experiences from his gardening hobby is contrasted with the turmoil of Africa. There is an uplifting moment when the local people sing at Tessa's funeral, which is ironic as she will not hear their voices in the same way her voice of opposition was silenced.

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