
Film analysis Guess Who and Guess whos comming to dinner Essay

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The Hollywood movie “Guess Who” (2005) is a remake of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” (1967). Both film’s premises are about the same situation of an interracial marriage. The original revolved around a daughter bringing her black fiancée to meet her white middle class family. This was a touchy and even controversial subject in 1967 but the film became an award winner. The 2005 update switches the roles around and with a stroke of genius we now have a white fiancée meeting a black family.
Personally, I don’t think that 2005 Ashton Kuthcher’s film is an appropriate update. It might be a fun movie but I don't think that it is fair to describe it as a remake of “Guess who's coming to dinner”. It lacks the depth and the timeliness of the …show more content…

Kevin Rodney Sullivan's 2005 movie is an overt comedy that, while not ignoring the race issues altogether, uses them more frequently for humor than to illustrate serious points. Both film’s premises are about the same situation of an interracial marriage.

The remake attempts to turn the concept of the original film on its head by having a black family face the entry of a white boyfriend into their world. The original film approached the subject of race with a deadly seriousness that might have felt appropriate at the time.
The new version simply reverses the positions of the principals, confronting the same subject from the other side of the racial chasm. By comparison, there is a role reversal .In the classic 1967 movie “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”, a white woman brings a black man home to meet her affluent parents. This time around the family is black, and their daughter Theresa brings home her white boyfriend, a New York stockbroker named Simon Green for a weekend visit to New Jersey to celebrate her parent’s renewal of their wedding vows on their 25th anniversary. While her mother and sister express some surprise but ultimately welcome the stranger, her father, Percy Jones, reacts with disbelief, dismay, and ultimately, absolute hostility, from which all the purported comedy flows.
The remake rubs off what few sharp edges there were on the 1967 original film about liberals facing their

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