
Final Essay

Decent Essays

I think I have faced a lot of challenging in this semester because this is the first year and I'm a new student in IT. I have found difficult in my first class in BIT. because I don’t know how to beginning for my project, and what should I do or what role can I do for my project as I don’t know anything at all. I didn't t expected that I need do a full project in my first semester. I thought that we need to learn something first from the teacher such as how to code for the website or learn HTML and C++ first. But actually, we need to choose our project in first class, and learn how to code for the website by ourselves. I also find it’s very difficult to try code every time because the code does not work for our project, and I need to spend …show more content…

we add google translate and live chat live on our code board, and it’s work very well.

I have learned a lot of Melbourne culture and code skill even still not enough. I have developed my code skill, I think the new experience for me is when the code is work, and when they show on the website, It’s special feeling when you are creating something, yeah, I normally using Brackets app for code because dreamworld needs pay money. Brackets can’t show website on the top which likes half screen on the top and code below the website. Therefore, I need to write hold code first and to see it work or not, it’s bit of west time. Although RMIT desktop has dreamworld, it does not work very well on my computer. so this is another experience for me.

Yeah, the plan is not changing a lot, but I have changed my role which is I have some design on the website and doing the live chat part. I don't want change any plan now because it’s already deadline now. The thing turns out my expectations is our time is very rush, and not prepare very well that I thought it before. if have time to do it again, I still will I would redo the schedule and make it a bit more specific. I could also do with some more practice to help create the website.

No, the timetable is not realistic because we put too much time on certain elements and there have been some tasks and events that have not been clearly described. also that, we are very

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