
My Senior Project Hours

Decent Essays

Although the documentation of my senior project hours is complete, the knowledge that I gained and the experience are unmatched. The agreed project was to create an organization system for our metal shop tool room. I have been working on project since october starting with the design of a storage shelf and I have painted our tool room. I have reached thirty hours and I have more to go. I most likely have four-six hours left. Some further planning that took place was balancing the FFA with my senior project because I was asked to make auction items out of steel. This took priority in a way. I finally finished my thirty hours in the last week. The other scheduling that I had to deal with is that for a while I was attending ag mechanics practice …show more content…

Then I painted the walls grey as after I cleared off the walls we noticed that there was a giant amount of graffiti as well as exposed wood. The painting took quite a while as it was very difficult to cover up the old nail holes. I had a terrible time finding space for all of the tools elsewhere in the shop. This created an obstacle, as I was forced to stack to the ceiling and then paint half of the wall at a time. It took me about all of a monday to complete this task. This would have gone faster had I possessed a roller. I was limited on funding and limited on paint choice. I recycled some oil based grey and some water based grey. I also learned that oil based is not good for use inside. I began to notice fumes that the evacuation fans could not hold up to. I learned on this project so far to do my best with limited supplies. I then began to finish assembly of the rack that I made. The steel tubing that I used had a lot of oil all over it so the cleanup process was lengthened. I have started to clean up my rack for paint and primer.
On Monday the seventeenth I was attempting to cut out the sheet metal required for the deck of the rack and I cut into my finger with the plasma cutter. This was a rookie mistake and has taught me a lesson do not cut metal with your hand on the straight edge. I came out with some pretty severe burns. I am slowly recovering

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