1) After seeing your final exam, were you surprised with the results? Why or why not? I was somewhat surprised with my final exam result. I was not expecting a high score because I rarely do well on math exams even though I study extensively. Thus thought I was disappointed I was not surprised. 2) How did you prepare for the final exam? Please provide a detailed explanation of your study method(s). To prepare for the final exam I did the following steps; I started a week in advance and for every day for an hour studied to create a solid study guide in addition to the one Ms. Klein gave out. I used my notes and went through every single homework assignment doing some of the problems and writing down the key concepts/ideas. In addition, if I had trouble I looked at videos on khan academy and did some of their practice problems. Then I looked at all my tests and quizzes looking over problems I had trouble with or that had the post-it that I used to correct it the first time. Through redoing homework assignments, tests and quizzes I constructed a solid study guide that included practice problems for each separate unit. Also, a quizlet was made as well as a group of friends and I came up with a list of potential problems to see on the exam. 3) Looking back at first semester, what could you have done differently? …show more content…
I could do so with more care and precision in the future to make sure I fully understand it. In addition, knowing that I have a unit test at the end of each unit I want to create a study guide through time building it up rather than doing it in one day or however many days before right before the exam. From this, I will be able to refer to it if I am struggling with the concept when learning something building off of it and to take out a part of creating a study guide and jump into the actual application of applying what I learn from my study
Use the lecture folder to help you complete this guide. The more detail you can provide the better prepared for the test you will be.
*If you go through each item on this study guide and read about it on the REFerenced page and corresponding TOPic in your text, you should have an excellent study guide for the Final Exam. If you do not do this, you will likely fail this exam miserably!
Use each week’s questions as a self-test at the start of a new week to reflect on the previous week’s concepts. When you come across concepts that you are unfamiliar with, refer to the Student Guide for that particular week.
The questions were really tricky, even after preparing hard for the exam. I got a "D" on the final exam in CST2410,
It is important to read through all components of an assignment in the GCU classroom so that you are aware of its requirements and the expectations of your instructor. Look for the following cues:
Study Questions: Answer the following questions (based on the reading), save it and then submit it to the professor.
a. The first and most prominent thing that has worked well for me in this course was getting 2 attempts for every quiz and test. You told me that you believe in mastery learning and so do I. Learning from your mistakes brings an entirely new level of understanding. Also, if I do worse than expected on the first attempt I’m not stuck with a bad mark that I’m not satisfied with
The first test was really demanding and it is a bit hard to understand the instructor. As a result, I failed it. Now I will go to the instructor's office hours and ask for help to do better in the next test
Answer the questions. When you are finished, submit this test to your teacher by the due date for full credit.
I also now know that I need additional time to devote to this class. Where in other classes, I do not seem to struggle on assignments and clarification. I am a hands-on learner, so with on-line courses it is sometimes difficult to understand what is expected of the assignment, having the rubric helps though.
Type your response here: Decently satisfied seeing as I havnt really needed to study for anything in a primarly long time.
The Last Lecture is equally a telling of how Randy Pausch lived his life and a guide on how others should live theirs. Pausch was a professor at Carnegie Mellon and gave his last lecture after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. However, this lecture was not filled with weepy memories of his family or things he wished he could change. Instead, it was a recount of how he was able to achieve all of his childhood dreams and steps for anyone to do the same. Almost everything Randy says in his lecture are extremely quotable words to live by. He touches upon some of the most fundamental themes that everyone can understand, like the benefits of a positive attitude and how to overcome obstacles to achieve your dreams.
All questions on the examination will come from the lectures (Topics I – X) and the assigned chapters and parts of chapters in the textbook. To help frame the questions for you, they will be organized under the same main headings and subheadings used in the Lecture Notes. The only exceptions will be a few subheadings that pertain to material covered only in the text. Under each heading will be a mix of true-false and multiple-choice questions, and possibly a few analogies, with all answers to be recorded on a scantron sheet. Along with
Throughout this semester in English 101, I have made a significant improvement on multiple things, including how to be an exceptional writer and thinker. English has always been one of my most favored subjects to study because to me it instructs students how to be intelligent, how to become a more creative and critical thinker, and be able to develop ethical values and imagination. You can express yourself more efficiently in English than you can in any other subject. This class has truly made me a more confident writer and helped me express myself in different ways through the different types of papers I wrote. By writing different types of papers I have improved multiple areas of my writing. I have grown as a student in diverse areas such
As the semester started, I had set my mind that I was destined to achieve a lot. During the start of the semester, I had several difficulties writing English assignments especially in terms of grammar. During the first week of the semester, I sat down, organized my thoughts and comprehended that throughout the semester, I had to achieve all that I had planned for. As a student of English, I had planned that throughout the semester, I had to improve my skills as a scholar, writer and critical thinker. Now that the semester has ended, I can reflect all the semester activities to depict how my writing skills and critical thinking skills have drastically improved. This paper presents a reflection paper of how this