
Final Reflection: Not Just Collaborative Theatre

Decent Essays

Final Reflection Essay This semester has changed the way I think of not just collaborative theatre, but the playmaking process in general. This course introduced me to many companies and methods I was unfamiliar with before, and many of them have influenced how I will approach making shows in the future. I imagine that most of us felt particularly influenced by the companies that we covered for our presentations, because we spent so much more time researching them. When I think of the groups we studied, Pig Iron Theatre Company will always be the first to come to mind. I find their approach to performance and playmaking to be very compelling. The only firsthand experience I have in the production of shows I received in educational settings, …show more content…

Beyond those, I think that one of the main things that I will use is the simple idea of using play in the creative process. In the past I have been guilty of viewing the “brainstorm a concept with a setting/characters, write a piece, develop it, and then perform” model of creating a piece as the only way to do it. In this class, we learned many exercises that focused on establishing movements or rules first, and allowing the story to flow naturally from that. One of the first things we learned in class was the exercise in which we sat next to one another and moved each other’s hands/bodies, eventually adding music. A story naturally evolved out of each movement piece, despite our not creating one intentionally. The scenes we choreographed are a more recent example. Through this class, I’ve learned that not making the creation of story your first priority allows you to find ideas you might not have come across otherwise. I have also come to have more respect for the concept of leaving plot up to audience …show more content…

However, if I recall correctly, I gave a fairly general answer of wanting to learn more about different ways of developing collaborative theatre. Now that I have taken the class, I naturally have a better idea of what I would like to learn in future instruction. I appreciated that, in this course, we mostly focused on company building, finding ideas or coming up with simple pieces that could eventually be worked into a real performance. I think that those were ideal for a more introductory level course, and that what we’ve learned in class will also be useful for non-collaborative works, but if I took another course in the subject I’d like to learn more about how one would maintain the collaborative nature of a show into the rehearsal process. My original answer was not specific because I wasn’t sure of exactly what I wanted from this class, but it met and exceeded my -admittedly vague-

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