
Financial Crisis : The Recession Of 2008-2009

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The most popularly known subprime mortgage crisis came into lime light when a steep rise in home foreclosures in 2006 spiraled seemingly out of control in 2007, triggering a national financial crisis that went global within the year. The maximum blame is pointed at the lenders who created such problems. It was the lenders who ultimately lent funds to people with poor credit and a high risk of default. When Fed flooded the markets with increasing capital liquidity, its intention was not only to lower interest rates but it also broadly depressed risk premiums as investors sought riskier opportunities to bolster their investment returns. At that point of time, lenders found themselves loaded with capital for lending out and higher willingness to undertake higher risks in a surge to get greater investment returns. To overcome of the financial instability and housing price bubbles, Federal Reserve has to intervene to combat these issues. This paper will study the after-effects of 2008 – one of the most severe U.S financial crisis happened in the global economy. The recession of 2008-2009 was the longest and had its deeper effects. The sub-prime crisis of September 2008 affected not only US but it’s footprints across the globe. The financial economy across the globe suffered very badly, thereby leading the weakening of the economy. According to several economists, the crisis of 2008 was the most severe economic contraction, though less than the Great Depression. To maintain

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