
Finding A New High School Mathematics Teacher

Decent Essays

If I was a high school principal, and I was tasked with finding a new high school mathematics teacher, I would ensure that the new hire met a few important criteria. These criteria include a solid understanding of mathematics, intense passion for the subject, an ability to connect with students, and a deep care for the development of students. These skills and abilities are what I consider to be crucial for the formation and instruction of high school students. First, an ideal high school mathematics teacher must have a solid understanding of mathematics. It is one thing for a mathematics teacher to know how to do upper-level mathematics like calculus and linear algebra; however, the teacher must possess true understanding of the subjects. A true understanding means that he or she is able to articulate the steps he or she uses to solve a mathematics equation. The teacher needs to demonstrate that he or she is competent in providing detailed explanations for each mathematical concept. Many people who are skilled in mathematics are known as being stereotypically socially inept and generally awkward. While of course this not the rule or general case, the fact still remains that many intelligent people are unable to provide adequate and clear verbalization of their brain processes. Therefore, the mathematic teacher must prove that he or she is articulate, intelligent, and capable of providing solid instruction. Secondly, I would look for a high school mathematics teacher

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