
Nt1310 Unit 2

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1) What characteristics are important in a teacher? There are many characteristics that are necessary for teachers to have. First, it’s important for teachers to be vastly knowledgeable about their subject matter. Teachers need to be enthusiastic about whatever they are teaching, especially if they want to sustain students' interest. If the teacher isn't interested in the subject, why should the students? Educators should always be willing to learn all they can about the content in which they are teaching—making the content as relevant or interesting as possible. Another characteristic that is vital in a teacher is having respect for students. Showing respect towards students means valuing each student’s ideas and opinions. It also means exemplifying respect for …show more content…

When teachers show respect to their students, they are creating an environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves; students learn to respect the educator as well as their peers. Essentially, showing respect for students not only exemplifies appropriate student behavior, but also lets them know that they are worthy of respect even in the face of misbehavior. Setting high expectations for students and believing in their abilities to achieve are equally prominent characteristics for teachers to have. Many students are only going to do the bare minimum of what is required, so setting high standards is significant. It signifies that educators are ensuring that students are getting the most out of an education—challenging them to live up to their fullest potential. When educators believe in their students, they push them to succeed. Educators should be a source for guidance and encouragement, especially when students are feeling discouraged or just need someone to give them an extra push. Furthermore, educators need to

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