1) What characteristics are important in a teacher? There are many characteristics that are necessary for teachers to have. First, it’s important for teachers to be vastly knowledgeable about their subject matter. Teachers need to be enthusiastic about whatever they are teaching, especially if they want to sustain students' interest. If the teacher isn't interested in the subject, why should the students? Educators should always be willing to learn all they can about the content in which they are teaching—making the content as relevant or interesting as possible. Another characteristic that is vital in a teacher is having respect for students. Showing respect towards students means valuing each student’s ideas and opinions. It also means exemplifying respect for …show more content…
When teachers show respect to their students, they are creating an environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves; students learn to respect the educator as well as their peers. Essentially, showing respect for students not only exemplifies appropriate student behavior, but also lets them know that they are worthy of respect even in the face of misbehavior. Setting high expectations for students and believing in their abilities to achieve are equally prominent characteristics for teachers to have. Many students are only going to do the bare minimum of what is required, so setting high standards is significant. It signifies that educators are ensuring that students are getting the most out of an education—challenging them to live up to their fullest potential. When educators believe in their students, they push them to succeed. Educators should be a source for guidance and encouragement, especially when students are feeling discouraged or just need someone to give them an extra push. Furthermore, educators need to
1.13)Ans.Mainframe or Minicomputer: The resources which has to be managed carefully are memory and CPU resources and the network bandwidth,
Having secure mobile and IP address to it is one of the major important factors as to avoid hacking data. (VoIP) is majorly defined as the ability for faxing, phone calls etc. There is also a need of scalable support over IP which routes and optimizes the mobile needs over secured IP and its protocols. There are also communication insecurity in terms of protection. Some of them are protocol errors, cryptographic errors and implementation errors
In the seven layers of the OSI, control is passed between layers. The model is theoretical, but tells us how a network takes the data sent from the application all the way down to the physical layer and out, to in the physical layer and back up all the way to the application layer. This Model has nothing to do with the actual functions of the process. Instead it is a concept of the framework, so the complexities of a network can be broken down and understood (Beal, 1999).
DNS is the service that translates from domain name to the matching IP address. The roles of the name servers in this process are:
Stages are groups of activities that can be performed in series or parallel. Stage gates are structured decision points at the end of each state. They are needed between phases in order to make a decision of whether the project should continue with original objectives, should be terminated or should continue with revised objectives. The purpose of stage gates is also to allow sponsors to identify any failures and help in taking decisions for better utilization of resources. Stage gates make way for a standard and structured decision making process. However, good project management also suggests that too many gates can lead to excessive time getting spent on preparing gate reviews as opposed to actually managing the
There are many reasons why communication across business units are not always effective. One of the main reasons is that there is not a standardized technique that every unit uses. One unit may use word of mouth however another unit prefers using email to communicate messages. Another reason why communication fails is following an organizational chart to communicate messages through. Important information may not be passed down to employees as necessary since they do not fall in a particular area on the chart. Managers and employees need to feel that they are able to communicate with individuals freely without using an organizational chart. The business needs to make sure that they use the oral message-sending process and writing communication
-Inpatient coders have certifications allowing them to work exclusively for hospitals or facilities. An expertise in medical record review is a must, along with an up to date status with coding rule changes, regulations and issues for medical coding, reimbursements and compliance under MS-DRG and Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems (IPPS). Coders should have experience as well as expert knowledge in abstracting information from medical records for ICD-9CM vol. 1-3, specialized payment in MS-DRG and IPPS.
7.1 What is the relationship between the bandwidth of a signal before and after it at has been encoded using spread spectrum?
The digital platform is structured around two pillars: firstly, Healthify must ensure the highest standard of privacy and security in handling sensitive health information. Secondly, since the aim of doc.com is to unify all of Canada’s health care providers under one platform, Healthify must ensure redundancy, data safety, and extremely minimal down time. Should a problem similar to that affecting the Phoenix payroll software occur, the healthcare system would be crippled. In order for it to be effective, stakeholders must be confident in doc.com’s performance. Given that doc.com will handle vast amounts of personal information, the platform will be closed. Open sourcing can be beneficial for certain pieces of software,
Authorization is the act of checking to determine if a user has the proper permission to access a file or perform an action, after the user has properly identified themselves through authentication (Username/Password). Authorization is provided to users based on a job requirement or a need to know that allows them to access the required material. Authorization is usually determined when a user first gains access to a system but may change over time. If a change occurs that requires more or less authorization for a particular employee, the concerned supervisor should contact the appropriate authority to make the change.
Treatment and medical management can both be high tech or low tech and include CPR, diagnosing and treating with medications, and controlling symptoms over the long-term and continuing to try to find a cure. Also have a support system.
Some security risks involved with conducting business online are imposters, eavesdroppers and thieves. Also, there are crackers or hackers, which are people who write programs and manipulate technologies to obtain unauthorized access to computers and networks. The elements of computer security are secrecy, integrity and necessity. Secrecy is protecting against unauthorized data disclosure. Integrity is preventing data from being modified by someone who is unauthorized and ensuring that the contents of emails aren’t changed before they get to he recipient. Necessity is preventing data delays or denials. It is important to establish a security policy to protect assets, to define acceptance and unacceptable behavior and to review physical and
Windows security uses an administrators password, this allows only the admin of the system to gain access the setting, only the admin can change anything on the system which means that someone who isn't using the admins account can't change anything unless given permission
Discuss security standards and methods, including the need for data storage integrity and data backup and recovery. In addition to complying with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), SMC needs to be valiant in how the organization will protect information and manage network security. Information security is the protection of information against risk to its integrity, inadvertent disclosure, or availability (Hawkins, 2013a). The most common threats an organization's network will face are hackers, spyware, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and malicious insider (Hawkins, 2013a). To protect SMC from hackers, they will use firewalls and intrusion-detection devices. Firewalls protect network systems by obstructing unauthorized entry while allowing approved communications (Hawkins, 2013a). Intrusion-detection systems monitor who the user is and what the user accesses. To promote HIPPA, SMC will track the last names of users who accessed patients with the same last name to reveal inappropriate use of client information.
Q1: Briefly explain designing requirements that’s are required when designing the hardware and software infrastructure: