
Finnish Schools International Case Study

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The best choice of entry for Finnish Schools International is to seek a local investor in every country it seeks to expand to while using licensing as the market entry mode, which will be critical in matters involving the procurement of local licenses in the country/countries it chooses to operate in, such as from the Ministry of Education of the country. Seeking a local investor is very important because every country has different rules, laws, and ethnic beliefs to abide to, so there is nothing better than to partner up with a local investor that knows the in’s and out’s of the country that is being looked at.
After that is done, the prospective party invests using most of their capital as per a standard license agreement, or as a …show more content…

This is a major component in the shift of Finnish Schools aims, objectives, goals, missions with regards to China. The likely outcome from such a restriction on sub-licensing, and therefore expansion, leading to our suggestion, is for Finnish Schools- from its management and itself as an entity, to shift its mission, consistent with its not-for profit goals, which disregards profit and is closer involved in the implementation of its schooling system in giving students around the world the opportunity to study with the Finnish educational system.
Finnish Schools could focus their efforts more intensively on the quality management and upkeep of their established schools. They can use this to their benefit as having a higher degree of control over their licensee will give a greater degree of control over the message Fin Schools want to achieve and increase their autonomy. Finnish Schools will be given more choices in when employing to ensure quality over areas of management they wish to exert such as its allocation of its demographics of teachers.

In time, although local requirements differ the nature of the sponsor entity- after operating for a number of years(20), the owner can repurchase, such as with the case in Jiangsu province through the Taizhou Educational Department (Niu, 2017). This will be the main alternative to expansion after a certain period, investing in the long term, rather than individually setting up new

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