
Fire Inspector Job

Satisfactory Essays

Sebastian Bermudez 4A

Career Selection

Most of my life I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I grow up and become an adult. I have recently done research in many career fields and I carefully considered three occupations I possibly see myself pursuing after earning a high school diploma. The three careers I’m interested in include Police Detective, Fire Inspector, and Sales manager.

A Sales manager has many responsibilities, but has much to offer. The sales manager median wage is $53.20 hourly while the yearly wage is around $110,660. The requirement for a sales manager include a four year bachelor's degree. Sales managers have certain task they do and the nature of the work includes fixing customer complaints about sales and service, …show more content…

The future employment outlook of a fire inspector is 6% growth from 2014- 2024. Statically there will be around 4,300 job openings through 2014-2024. The nature of the work I would have to do includes inspecting buildings to find hazards and code violations like the false electrical wiring and combustible materials. I would also have to regulate fire code requirements to architects, contractors and the fire service. The requirement to be hired as fire inspector is an associate’s degree. The work condition include working evening and weekends inside possibly dangerous and unstable buildings. Usually when entering this career field many people start as a regular firefighter and work a certain amount of years to be promoted to lieutenant or captain before anyone can be qualified for promotion as fire inspector. Firefighters experienced in this job usually take courses at fire academy for several months and practice guidelines for inspection, legal codes, courtroom procedures, and handling hazardous materials. However, I’m considering a third and final career as a police …show more content…

The projected employment outlook of a detective is 1% through 2014-2024 which is almost no change at all. There will be 28,300 job openings through 2014-2024. The requirement for a detective includes training in vocational schools or an associate’s degree. There is many careers in law enforcement related to a police detective like narcotics detective, detective supervisor, detective sergeant, and a fugitive detective. The work on a monthly basis would include providing a testimony as a witness in court case. I would also have to secure a dead body and check for evidence while also preventing anybody from tampering with the crime scene before a medical examiner can arrive. The conditions of police detective include working with blood, evidence, and graphic homicides. I intend to enter the field by becoming a regular police officer for many years and work my up to captain or lieutenant then get promoted to detective. In order to get experience for any police position the training includes attending a police training academy. The training includes classroom practice in state and local law, constitutional law, civil rights, and police ethics. The recruits would learn and practice in patrol, traffic control, firearm use, self defense, first aid, and emergency

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