
First Church Camp

Decent Essays

There are many people, experiences, and circumstances that have shaped my life, but the one that sticks out to me the most is my first church camp. I was just thirteen years old and in the eighth grade, but what God told me in a moment of prayer has impacted my entire life. I was sitting in the chapel listening to the speaker when he asked us to bow our heads and ask the Lord to speak to us. I was excited for this opportunity because I had never heard God’s voice before. In that moment he told me, “Stop being the underdog and start being a leader.” These few words made me reflect on my life. I had spent my whole life being the young one whether it be in my friend group or on my competitive cheer team. That night I learned that I needed …show more content…

I lead students nearly every Sunday morning and have been a cabin counselor at three church camps. I love getting to develop relationships with the students and help guide them in their walk with God. In the future, I want to lead a small group of high school students. This passion for youth ministry all began with God calling me to stop following and start leading. I have also implemented this experience into my role on my cheer team. When my teammates are having a rough day, I try to always cheer them on. This causes other teammates to cheer them on too. I think a big part of being a leader is inspiring others to be leaders too, and I do my best to do that at practices and competitions. I have also recently started interning as a coach at my gym. I love helping young athletes reach their goals. I hope to someday own a cheer gym and lead athletes to success both in cheer and life. Hearing God’s voice for the first time influenced my character by opening my eyes to the need for students younger than me to have someone to look up to. This love for influencing students will help me to achieve my goal of owning a Christian cheer

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