
First Person And Central Narrator In Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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In Life of Pi, is from two people's perspective if you count the author's note before the actual chapters start. The first man is the person who 'wrote' about Pi's story and made it into a book. This isn't the actual author of Life of Pi, this is the fictional author in the story who writes Pi's story. This author tells us this story that he has written isn't going to be about him but about a boy named Piscine Patel. The author tells the story as if Piscine was telling the story himself, and every so often, the author comments on Piscine's story in italics. "We end up with a hybrid of First Person (Peripheral Narrator) and First Person (Central Narrator) since the author, who is not Pi, tells the story as if he is Pi."(Shmoop

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