
First Trimesters

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Pregnancy is divided into three phases commonly known as trimesters. The trimesters are dissimilar in bodily appearance to the pregnant woman and the unborn baby. The experiences of every trimester are different. They differ depending on the specific woman. Some experiences are mutual to all strong pregnancies. First trimester It takes place the early fourteen weeks after conception. This phase may seem that the woman is not experiencing any dramatic changes but she is actually experiencing many extraordinary changes in her body at this stage. (Abraham, Suzanne, Alan Taylor, & Janet, 485) The unborn baby develops all the vital organs and goes from cells to a recognizable human fetus with completely formed limbs and toes. The flow of pregnancy hormones makes the mother experience many variations which might not be seen by the other people. In this phase, the pregnant woman experiences food cravings and aversions, …show more content…

Many physical changes of the first trimester ease up at this stage. It is at this phase that women start showing the growing belly and wearing maternity clothes. Although the physical changes become less, it is not a symptoms free stage. As the baby grows, muscles start to ache, the breasts continue to grow and may become more subtle and enlarged. Many women might have breathing difficulties and may feel light-headed. They might even faint due the variations in their blood and blood vessels. (Abraham, Suzanne, Alan Taylor, & Janet, 486) The growth and development of the unborn baby continue in this trimester and the unborn starts to move, kick, and opening and closing of its eyes. Sometime amid the 16th and 18th week, a first-time mother may feel the first movement of the unborn baby. By the 6th month, the lungs are already formed although not functioning yet. Hair starts to develop, and the brain grows

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