
Fiscal Reforms Of The United States

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Previous Reforms of Policy
In 1984, Medicare was introduced in Australia, in 2000, the Lifetime Cover scheme was introduced and in 2004, the Extended Medicare Safety Net was introduced (Hajizadeh, Connelly, & Butler, 2014). According to Donato, and Segal, (2013) the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) signed a national partnership agreement in 2008. This partnership encompassed explicit targets which included the closing the life expectancy gap and halving infant mortality rate gaps. As well as, halving the gap in reading, writing, numeracy achievements, year 12 attainment, and the differential unemployment outcome between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The building blocks to achieve this were early childhood, schooling, health, economic participation, healthy homes, safe communities, and governance and leadership (Donato, & Segal, 2013).

Why do Policy Reforms Fail?
Fotaku, (2010) found that it was extensively recognised that public policies often fail. There have been numerous explanations presented, which encompassed various practical and political impediments inherent to their conception and implementa¬tion (Feldman, 2005; Fotaku, 2010). Policy failures are commonly attributed to the nonexistence of incentive arrangements that should encourage individuals to pursue their reliable and established preferences, according to economists. Whereas, political scientists look to numerous political groups inside and outside government to identify the causal

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