
Fisher House Foundatio

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Soldier. What does that word mean to you? Maybe it means someone in the army, or someone who helped our country, but it really means so much more. A soldier is someone who sacrificed their own life to help with yours. It is someone who will give up everything in their life just to make yours even better. Once these soldiers come back home, they won’t have as much as when they left for war. This is sad because these soldiers just made your life better. I believe the Fisher House Foundation is the most effective charity and helps those who helped us. The Fisher House Foundation has an interesting history, with founders who wanted the best for these soldiers. These homes create places for these soldiers to live at no cost and no catch. I truly believe Fisher House …show more content…

This is when Zachary Fisher created the Fisher House Foundation and never thought twice about it. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher both gave up $20 million dollars of personal savings to help with these homes. This money has really payed off. Zachary Fisher started this foundation when his friend saw a helicopter land at a medical center. The friend saw a soldier come out wounded and told Zachary about it. Zachary was already working on a housing project because he was a builder. This sparked his ideas even more and he began the Fisher House Foundation. Zachary Fisher started this because of how strong he felt towards soldiers. Can you imagine having a family member in the army for months, even years? Then when they come back, being wounded and having no house. An unknown author once said, “Don’t stop loving because love makes up a family, never lose hope because life is full of hope, and never give up because never giving up is the path to success.” This is what I think Zachary Fisher was going for because he really does help families with all of those things in that quote. I believe The Fisher House Foundation is the greatest foundation because of the

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