Soldier. What does that word mean to you? Maybe it means someone in the army, or someone who helped our country, but it really means so much more. A soldier is someone who sacrificed their own life to help with yours. It is someone who will give up everything in their life just to make yours even better. Once these soldiers come back home, they won’t have as much as when they left for war. This is sad because these soldiers just made your life better. I believe the Fisher House Foundation is the most effective charity and helps those who helped us. The Fisher House Foundation has an interesting history, with founders who wanted the best for these soldiers. These homes create places for these soldiers to live at no cost and no catch. I truly believe Fisher House …show more content…
This is when Zachary Fisher created the Fisher House Foundation and never thought twice about it. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher both gave up $20 million dollars of personal savings to help with these homes. This money has really payed off. Zachary Fisher started this foundation when his friend saw a helicopter land at a medical center. The friend saw a soldier come out wounded and told Zachary about it. Zachary was already working on a housing project because he was a builder. This sparked his ideas even more and he began the Fisher House Foundation. Zachary Fisher started this because of how strong he felt towards soldiers. Can you imagine having a family member in the army for months, even years? Then when they come back, being wounded and having no house. An unknown author once said, “Don’t stop loving because love makes up a family, never lose hope because life is full of hope, and never give up because never giving up is the path to success.” This is what I think Zachary Fisher was going for because he really does help families with all of those things in that quote. I believe The Fisher House Foundation is the greatest foundation because of the
The Vietnam Veterans of America is a charity in Georgia that serves all veterans and we will ask them to donate used clothes, shoes, appliances and other household items to soldiers and service men and women. We will appeal to the Coastal Habitat for Humanity to donate time and equipment to build houses for low-income residents. United Way will collaborate with CAT to give free bus passes to those struggling financially, but are trying to get to work and achieve economic independence. We will appeal to Toys R Us to donate educational games and toys to the several YMCAs we support as well as the Greenbriar Children’s Center, Hodge Memorial Day care center as well as dozens of the other school readiness and youth academic programs that United Way supports.
The Society of Mexican War Veterans and the Grand Army of the Republic wanted a home for war veterans. The Veterans’ Home Association was formed, fund-raising began, and the search for a suitable site in the countryside to build a home where veterans could live and work in a beautiful place. William Gibbs, hearing of interest in purchasing land for the home, quickly assembled 910 acres from local Yountville pioneers and sold the property to the Veterans’ Home Association for $17,500 in 1882.
The Hull House was founded in Chicago and became the mecca for other settlement houses that was birth do to the success of the Hull House. This establishment operated by building a social bridge that connected social classes. “Addams believed the settlement house provided a service both yo the volunteer residence, who needed a purpose in life, and to an increasingly stratified society at large (Wendy L. Haight & Taylor, 2013).” There were three purposes the settlement house served which was to provided services and assistance to immigrants, policy advocacy, and an important piece that heightened national social reform to the next level; “Jane Addams noted social reform was imperative if the poor were to have any help (Dale &
Maj Boone advised the board of the Fishier House Foundation Inc. served more than 28,000 families with an average length of stay of 10 days for FY16 across the DOD and VA houses. Since inception the foundation has offered over $7 million days of lodging between fisher houses and hotels for heroes program and is projected to be able to accommodate over 1,000 families a day in the DOD and VA fisher houses by years end. Concerning the Air Force program currently there are 12 Air Force Fisher Houses at eight locations:
Two and a half million service men and women were deployed during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. When these service men and women come home from war, people usually visualize them getting a warm welcome and landing right back on their feet but this is not always the case. Many veterans suffer from PTSD and don’t get the help they need. Veterans are sometimes overlooked when politicians debate over current events and things that need to change. These veterans served their country but were living and dying on the street (Pearl 2). I chose the book “Veterans and Homelessness” by Libby Perl because it provided me with a statistics and a better understanding on the situation of veterans and homelessness.
The story about The Most Dangerous Game written by Richard Connell, is a story about a man named Sanger Rainsford. Whom falls off a boat and has to swim to a nearby island from which he heard 3 gunshots from. He then is rescued by man who does not hear nor speaks. The man takes Rainsford to his leader who is named General Zaroff. The General is a hunter as so is Rainsford.
The Veterans Community Project was started by three veterans. In addition to housing, the Veterans Community Project will also provide people with counseling. Additionally, the houses will already have food, electricity and gas. They want to make sure that veterans do not have to go through the hassle of making deposits and waiting to get utilities turned on. The veterans will continue to get support until they can move into
Another goal of theirs was to improve city life. The Hull House wasn’t just a place where immigrants could participate in programs and learn, but it was a place where they were able to feel safe and get the support and assistance they needed to live a normal life in the large city of Chicago.
I was able to conduct my interview today and, as I thought, once Home for Heros (the name given to the transitional housing program) opens it’s doors it will be the only transitional housing within Marion County for homeless veterans. This program has so much more to offer than many of the other organizations, in the fact that these veterans will not have to go from place to place looking for assistance. Home for Heros will not only provide lodging for those in the program, they will also provide meals. They will also have access to a case manager and Veteran Service Officers (VSO) on
Karl Malantes explains in an emotional interview with CNN that, “When the peace treaty is signed, the war isn’t over for the veterans, or the family. It’s just starting” (“Veterans Quotes”) Homelessness for soldiers who are lucky enough to return home is a huge epidemic in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, they estimate about 50,000 veterans are currently homeless (“FAQ About Homelessness”). The official definition of homelessness states “an individual who lacks housing or that must reside in a private or public that provides accommodations” (“What is the Official Definition of Homelessness”). Veteran Homelessness is correlated with gender and race, it has a great amount of causes including
That is why I choose to get involved with Habitat for Humanity. “We build because we believe that everyone, everywhere, should have a healthy, affordable place to call home.” That is one of their beliefs, which is why I want to be working with Habitat.
An issue that has been around for decades which still remains in the United Sates today is homelessness among veterans. Vanessa Turner has a story that needs to be heard by many. As a homeless veteran, Turner joined the U.S. military in 1997 and later, proudly advanced to the rank of a sergeant. In 2003, Turner suffered from a traumatic injury while serving in Iraq. In suffocating 130-degrees fahrenheit heat, Turner fell into a coma and nearly died of heart failure. Immediately, she was brought to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C., treated, and released with a pending medical discharge. After Turner’s release, both her and her daughter had no residency and no permanent health care plan. In attempt to make a stable living to sustain herself and her daughter, they often temporarily moved between family to friends’ apartments, never actually having a place to call home. In an effort to receive help from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center was very frustrating; she was told she had to wait months simply to get medical attention. Again when Turner requested for her belongings to be shipped back from her unit’s base in Germany, they told her she had to obtain transportation to Germany at her own expense, which she was unable to do because of the amount of money that it would cost, unfortunately resulting in not getting her property back. Vanessa Turner is just one of many homeless veterans who are
When the f-5 tornado decimated the town of Smithville on April 27, 2011, a whopping 15 people were killed, 40 people injured, 18 homes destroyed, and two businesses were annihilated. (National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office) Without the help of various organizations, like the Salvation Army, Smithville would’ve never recovered from the horrifying disaster, which made me wonder what the Salvation Army does, what a volunteer needs to do, and what the benefits are of a volunteer.
The objectives for the desired outcomes is to ensure that every veteran, regardless of which war, receives the proper care and treatment of their ailments. This is to include housing our homeless veterans in complexes in which they will feel safe, yet give them the freedom they need to work on their journey of healing. In the process, the veterans families that are affected must not be forgotten as
Veterans. Those people are the reason why we are living and free. Don’t you ever think about the wounded veterans that put their whole life on the line for you to be safe? For their sacrifices they deserve the best and we can help by donating to wounded warrior project. The wounded troops should have the help to overcome their physical and mental obstacles. I Joey Drana believe that wounded warrior project is one of the best charities to donate to.