
Five People You Meet In Heaven By Mitch Albom

Satisfactory Essays

Eddie was 83 years old when he died. He met a lot of people in his life and he lived a long life. He grew up in Ruby Pier, an amusement park that Eddie later worked at. He got married, served in the army, then work at this amusement park for the rest of his life. This park was also where he died. In the book, Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, the story begins at the end of Eddie’s life. When Eddie gets to heaven, there are five people he meets that had an effect on his life. Eddie learns many lessons throughout his journey in heaven, but the number one lesson he learned was love. There are no random acts in a person’s life. Some people sacrifice their lives to save others and some people you have to forgive to show the power of

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