
Five Stages Of Sleep Debt

Decent Essays

The need for sleep and the feeling of being tired is a basic drive that every person goes through. Not recognizing the importance and the critical damage it does to each and everyone’s body can cause complications to oneself and to others. Not only does sleep debt affect people physically but also mentally and emotionally. Not being able to concentrate on what is being told or being able to complete the task because the body is tired and falling asleep isn't the wise nor productive way to be when it can be avoided. Though many do not bear in mind the hours of sleep the body is missing daily, people tend to blame other things in place of reality of what is really causing the disputed point. Sleep Debt goes more than what is thought to be correct. Deliberating that taking a nap or sleeping the next day earlier can …show more content…

William C. Dement and Christopher Vaughan states that three hours must be added to the hours of sleep on a regular bases to feel alert throughout the day. The different five stages of sleep that a person goes to can also be affected deeply since sleep is a requirement, the body shuts down even if we do not want that. Sleep is a necessity just like food and water yet people still do not take the subject serious.Sleep hours can be diminished because of work, school, or other extra-curricular activities and many individuals find it difficult to get the necessary hours the body needs in order to function properly. The brain controls the body and if there's damage to the brain then all the other rest of the body suffers as well. Though the effect of sleep debt cannot be seen right away, it adds up until the body can't keep going with just hort limit of hours.The

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