
Fix To Mental Illness

Good Essays

Is There a Fix to Mental Illness?

If you ask any current college student how their experience at school is going, you are likely to hear about the struggles they face with heavy course materials, difficult exams, and other criticisms about being a student. With that, college students are put under so much pressure that some may not be able to mentally stay on their game and may develop depression and anxiety as a cause of this crazy lifestyle. “Researchers have reported that almost half of college-aged individuals may experience mental health problems” (Jennings). When it comes to receiving help for these developing mental illnesses most universities offer a variety of resources to help students better themselves. These medical resources …show more content…

Showing my main arguments to back up this claim will persuade these medical providers that they can in fact can/should change the system us students have to live with today.
At some point in our lives every one of us has been going through a tough time only to tell friends and family that you’re “okay”. According to “the web’s top crowd sourced rankings generator, Ranker put together a list of the most popular lies we tell with, “I’m fine” being number one” (Michaels). When you bring college students into the picture, they tend to have specific stigma towards not getting help when they are in distress. When you tie that into help-seeking, most students don’t feel the need to get outside help for their mental problems. Most deal with it themselves as they don’t trust others in fear that they might experience “social consequences associated with treatment” (Jennings). This stigma is common in our universities and some don’t even realize they have a problem to begin with. This now brings the attention to the theory of help-seeking. Psychiatrist Kristen Jennings describes …show more content…

“Resources for counseling centers are limited, with an estimated 1 counselor to every 1,459 students” (Levin). Doctor Levin goes on to offer a solution to develop and scale up programs that prevent mental illness before it develops. Education in my opinion is the key to widely spread awareness about everything and anything. Also, “an online prevention program is a cost-effect way to deliver a program across campuses” (Levin). Most students are familiar with these certain kinds of programs as you have to take two separate ones before you start your freshman year at Colorado State. These two programs covered subjects of alcohol abuse and sexual assault. A study was conducted where students at an American university were asked to complete one of two programs that had a concentration in either depression or anxiety. “The sample comprised 234 undergraduate students from a mid-sized university” (Levin). During the three-week long program, researches saw that a huge chunk of the students completing the program gave up at some point before the end. This led researches to believe the programs did not effectively engage the students being tested. “It was unclear whether the results were due to a lack of user engagement” (Levin). This gets me thinking that universities around the country are not effectively getting the attention of the students on the important topic of mental

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