
Flash By Calvino

Decent Essays

In the short story, “The Flash”, Italo Calvino explains how it is absurd for society to accept things for the way they are. As a young adult I strive to become an individual within society; by creating my own thoughts and taking responsibility for my own actions. However, Calvino highlights that we are all conformed by society. We accept societal ways without the slightest contradictions: get a job, get married, start a family, act normal, obey the law, yet there is no freedom, we are all damned to this never ending cycle. The things I had once accepted suddenly made no sense. Why do I follow the “status quo”? Is there more to life than society’s conformed corners? These questions are explained in the text as a flash of clarity as we see the major flaws in society. …show more content…

Calvino’s notable use of paradox is evident when the narrator first claims “[he] did not understand the [reasoning] for things or for people; it was all senseless, absurd. [And he] laughed” and contradicts himself at the end when the narrator returns to reality (Calvino 1). The mindless acceptance of the way things are is similar to the setting portrayed in the blockbuster movie “iRobot”, featuring Will Smith as Del Spooner, a technophobic detective. In the world of “iRobot”, robots are mere possessions that aid humans with their everyday chores. These robots have superhuman strength and are programed to always obey and help humans to the best of their ability. In the movie, robots are seen as gifts that exist for the common good of society. Although, Del does not perceive robots as saints that aids lazy humans with their undesirable tasks, they are senseless, cold, emotionless structures that are the creation of man’s absurd idea that a mere piece of metal can replace the beating, living heart of a

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