
Florence Nightingale, Joseph Lister, And Edward Jenner

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How did medical professionals have the knowledge and professionalism necessary to do their jobs? Three individuals improved how medicine is practiced and the precautions to take. Hippocrates once said, “It’s far more important to know the person the disease has than what disease the person has.” The three pioneers of the medical field Florence Nightingale, Joseph Lister, and Edward Jenner changed the way medicine is practiced today. Firstly, Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy on the 12th of May in 1820. She had a very wealthy family. When Florence was sixteen years old on February 7, 1837, she heard the voice of God calling her to carry out some special work. As she had the want to help people, she was lead to believe that God wanted her to be a nurse. Being a nurse was unusual for the upper class because nurses were known to come from poor families. The want of becoming a nurse never went away so she went to Kaiserwerth to nurse training (James). In addition, Florence actually lead a team of 38 nurses to staff an overseas hospital of the British army during the Crimean War. It was reported that there were unsanitary conditions that got the public concerned, so the secretary requested for a team of nurses to provide help. When Florence and her team arrived, conditions were extremely worse than reported. The wards were covered in sewage and patients were scattered everywhere. The rags that the patients were covered in blood and excretion soiled in them.

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