
Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory

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Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory Introduction Nightingale was the first modern nurse and theorist who was born in 1820. She came up with the idea of nursing receiving specific training and education. Her environmental theories included natural laws, nursing as a calling, nursing as both science and art, and nursing being different from medicine. Her major concepts included house health, personal cleanliness, chattering hopes and advices, among others. Nightingale saw the need to configure the environmental settings addressing the importance of fresh air, clean water, proper drainage and light. Cleanliness: Concept Analysis Despite our outstanding material, the world is full of many social conflicts. The human race is lacking essential attributes that separate them from the animals. A sense of moral, logic, decency, loves and compassion is lacking in today's society. They have been ignored even in crucial areas like nursing. However Florence Nightingale is one of the pioneers in nursing who embraced cleanliness as a vital essence. Among her concepts she included maintenance of a clean place which if neglected can affect the patient's health. The concept analysis developed by Avant and Walker (2011) for theory construction in nursing provides tools that can demonstrate the relevance of this concept when applied in nursing. The analysis contains some eight steps. Purpose of analysis The idea of this analysis is to find its relevance in nursing. Walker and

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