
Folkways Or Social Norms Dictate Our Society?

Decent Essays

In day to day life, we stand in lines, we drive on the right side of the road, and just the expectations of people around us. We do this because standing out or getting punished in society isn’t something most people want to do. Norms dictate our lives, but what exactly are they? Folkways, or informal rules, are not a big deal to violate, but you are expected to follow. When a folkway is broken, like cutting in line, it is not a big deal. Besides a few angry people at you, you will not go to jail, or be punished. Mores, are formal, and when violated can be punished. When a more is broken, like driving in the wrong lane, you are probably going to receive a citation or go to jail. While I preferred not to receive a citation or go to jail, I decided to break a folkway. As a Sergeant of Narcotics Investigation for my sheriff’s office, I am happy to wear a t-shirt, with BUD tactical pants, and an outer vest that I only throw on in case of an emergency or when I am in the field. I decided to wear my old patrol uniform, a big no-no for members of investigation, as the Uniform Patrol are thought to be “Inferior” to the investigation …show more content…

This uniform is a staple for the Uniform Division, which is normally seen as rookies, since we all start out in the uniform division, or people who just are not smart enough to become an investigator. I personally disagree with this, since some people prefer it over investigation, but almost everyone has this view at the agency I work with. I am not seen as just an investigator, but a supervisor, so I was interested in how I would this would be viewed by my team. I drove to work, strangely feeling like I was inferior. I drove to the meeting wondering, how I would be

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