
Folsom Cordova High School: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Patrick Bearden, Folsom Cordova Unified School District, Cordova High School Rachel Nguyen Ch 1: This bar is not like the rest. It seems roomier than most I had been in before. Many others had made me feel cramped, but then again, so do most buildings. But, this bar lacks an odd array of patrons, the oddest of which being myself. The only outstanding behavior I can see is some drunken oaf with messy brown hair trying to hit on the barmaid, who happens to be a rather heavy-set woman. Her size reminds me of stories I’ve heard of my kinsmen, the Northern barbarians of the Frel. “C’mon luv, lemme feel ya tits”. This man is clearly out of his league. But he’s drunk. So he doesn’t care. He seems like the type …show more content…

I start to raise my meal to my lips as some ungodly wailing begins from outside the inn and an unknown assailant pounds on the door. I rise from the barstool and ready my hammer for whatever monstrosity is on the other side; no mortal beast I know of could produce such a tortured cry. The door cracks and a pink, jelly-like arm claws its way through. It cracks more, and breaks. A fleshy, blobby, being ambles towards me, with splinters stuck in its see-through body. I feel my blood begin to boil as my rage surfaces. I flip the nearest table and slam it into the beast as it lets out another painful squeal, pinning it against the wall by the door. More of the freaks begin to pour in from the remains of the bar door. A gust of hot wind on my left blows a table into a freak. I smell burnt flesh. Muscles strain. Hammer swings. The freaks barely notice my strikes. I strike harder. Harder. Harder! As the freak dies it melts, like an old …show more content…

More banging, the wall cracks more. A redhead with a sword bashes out into the street to meet another freak, this one taller, green, with an ugly beard and nasty looking glaive. The bearded, ugly thing picks up the foolish swordsman and throws him into a table. More fleshy, pink freaks follow him inside as it runs up the stairs. I stay down and hit the squishy ones. I hammer the three into a corner. A flash of golden hair, like a river, flowing as the dawn itself. A blade is quickly carried into all three as this small assailant seems to flow from one freak to another. Impressive. Rarely do I see a bladesman with such fluidity; some fox spirit glows from this sun-headed warrior. With the last of the freaks dead, my blood slows. My blood leaves my head, as if from standing up too quickly. A scuffle from upstairs. I can barely stay on my feet, let alone go to investigate. A small, winged, reptilian woman comes down the stairs, confused as I

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