
Food Habits Essay

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Food Habits Assignment

The aim of this essay is to try and explain my food choices through three unique surveys that I have filled in, these being “Food and diet questionnaire”, “24hour recall questionnaire and a food variety survey”. These surveys will be affected by personal background which includes the following details:
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Nationality: Australian
Postcode: 3125
Living arrangements: Share house with 3 housemates
Religion: Christian
Study Commitments: Full time university student
Cultural group: Anglo-Australian
Language spoken at home: English
Through these details I am going to explain why my own personal eating habits occur and ways I can work to improve them.

1/ I do my own shopping and cook my …show more content…

7/ I eat most of my meals in my unit on the couch. I eat while sitting on the couch because I like to watch the TV while I am eating my meals and also my house mates also tend to eat their main meals sitting there also and so it becomes a social area and a time for us to catch up on what has been happening throughout the day as well as watch the TV.

8/ I eat most of my meals with at least one of my three house mates. This is because we share the same house and we like to talk about our daily activities and find out how each of us is going. It is also a good time to bring up house issues such as cleaning or maintenance problems that need to be addressed.

9/ I think that there are things that I would share with people from other cultures because of Australia’s diverse culture which involves eating foods from many other cultures such as Italian and their pizza and pasta, Chinese and their dim sim and fried rice and Greeks and souvlaki. I also think there would be some eating patterns which some cultures have would be completely different from some I have adapted to such as Chinese and their eating of raw fish. I also think that there would be some groups of people from certain cultures who live in Australia that would only eat food from their own culture as a sign of respect or pride of their own culture.

10/ If I had to grow and

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