
Football Vs. Patriots : My Favorite Football Team

Decent Essays

Two years ago my favorite football team the New England Patriots were having a pretty good season and they ended up doing so good that they made the playoffs. They kept it up in the playoffs and played just like they did in the regular season. The Patriots ended up going all the way to the Super Bowl. In the Super Bowl the Patriots were going to play the Seattle Seahawks. The Seahawks were also a really good team that year. The Seahawks were pretty good but I thought the Patriots were better. Me and my mom went to my uncle’s house for a Super Bowl party that year. There was probably somewhere around twenty people at the Super Bowl party. There was a lot of food and things to do there but I was more focused on when the game was going to start. Once the game was about to start everyone found a seat and got ready for the game to begin. The game started off good, but neither team scored in the whole first quarter. The Patriots scored early in the second quarter and I thought it was going to be an easy win at the point for the Patriots. Towards the end of the second quarter the Seahawks also scored tying the game up. Then I knew the Patriots weren’t going to win that easily and both teams were going to put up a fight throughout the whole game. With less than a minute to go in the second quarter the Patriots scored again making the score fourteen to seven. Then with only a couple seconds left in the quarter the Seahawks also scored once again tying the game. With the Patriots and

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