
Foraging Behavior Observation Report

Satisfactory Essays

Dr. Janzen,
I was glad to receive such a hearty and informational response. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. I do have some research under my belt, I have been working with Dr. Jon Davenport at Southeast Missouri State for about the last year just helping where I can. This spring I led an experiment with spotted salamanders (A. maculatum) regarding foraging behavior in response to predator kairomones. We hope to have the results figured out and go to a few herp conferences in the early fall semester, and to have the paper out for review by the end of the year. I will be helping him with more projects for the rest of my time at Southeast Missouri State. He is currently working on an analysis of Alligator Snapping Turtles in …show more content…

Turtle Camp sounds like a blast, but while looking on your website you mentioned a hypothesis that blew my mind because I had never thought much about it before. The hypothesis that TSD may have been a contributing factor in the end Cretaceous extinction event. I had never considered that to be a possibility but am intrigued by how plausible that is. I am also a Geoscience minor here at Southeast and took a class UI 373 Earth and Life Through Time with an instructor that I knew very well and after I read that I couldn’t help but to email her about it because she has assignment in the course that draws into question if the meteoroid that hit the Yucatan is actually what killed the …show more content…

I plan on taking it towards the end of the summer and my GPA is better than some worse than others it’s at about a 3.45 I’m actively trying to get it into that 3.5 range because I know that 3.5 or above is where most people would like to see prospective students at.
As far as the assistantships and fellowships go what you have mentioned sounds like a great deal of $2000 per month it is more than I expected to be honest. I for the most part understand how assistantships work, but must admit I am unsure how fellowships do through Iowa State I haven’t been able to find real clear information on how the application and acceptance process works. I’m a first-generation college student with no siblings so everything for me has been a kind of figure it out as you go when it comes to how scholarship, financial aid, and things of that nature.
I would definitely like to stay in contact with you I am very interested in your work and the possibility to work in your lab in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope to hear from you soon!

Regards, Christopher

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