
Force and Motion

Satisfactory Essays

P 251

Activity 1-1: Introduction to Force

1. Place one end of a rubber band around the vertical rod on your table.
2. Stretch the rubber band to a length of 10cm beyond its unstretched length, L0.

3. Place two rubber bands around the rod and stretch them together a length of 10cm

Question 1-1: How does the combined force of two rubber bands compare to the force of just one rubber band?

1. Repeat with 3, 4 5 rubber bands.

Activity 1-2: Measuring Force with a Force Probe

Open file L03A1-2a (Measuring Force.ds)
Note: The Force Probe is attached to a cart.

1. Zero the Force Probe. (With nothing attached to the Probe press "Start" on the control panel and observe the force. If it …show more content…

5. Sketch the resulting graphs below or (Print and attach). If using a Printed graph be sure to label it with the Activity Number,


Observation 2-1: The direction (push/pull) of the force exerted on the Force Probe hook determines whether the force is positive or negative. Complete the table below.


Question 2-1: Which variable, velocity or acceleration, appears to be mathematically related to force?

Question 2-2: Does the variable you selected in Question 2-1 appear to be directly or inversely proportional to the force? Explain your answer.

Keep file L03A2-1(Motion and Force.ds) open for Activity 2-2 and 2-3

Activity 2-2: Speeding Up Again

Prediction 2-2:
The force graph shown below indicates a constant positive force exerted on a cart. Assuming that the cart is initially at rest sketch the corresponding velocity and acceleration graphs.

1. Zero the Force Probe attached to the cart.
2. Assemble the cart with attached Force Probe, motion detector, pulley and mass hanger as shown below.

3. Attach one end of the string to the mass hanger and the other end to the Force Probe hook. Place a 20g (0.02kg) mass on the mass hanger.

4. Move the cart as close to the motion detector as possible (>0.5m).

5. Click "Start" and release the cart. Stop the cart before it reaches the pulley.

6. Sketch (or Print and attach) the resulting graphs below.
7. Select the

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