
Forensics Research Paper

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Forensics, when you think of this word, you may think, “What the heck is this kid talking about”. The other reaction to this word is “oh that’s what they use on CSI right?” Forensics is according to, “The use of science and technology to investigate and establish facts in criminal or civil courts of law.” There are many different types of forensics, like Forensic phycology, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic nursing, and criminalistics. In this paper subjects that will also be gone over will be the positive and negative attributes of forensics, and the use of forensics in crime fighting.

Forensic phycology. According to “Forensic psychology is essentially where the field of …show more content…

According to, “Forensic nursing is an emerging field in forensic sciences that acts as a bridge between the medical profession and the criminal justice system. Forensic nurses are frequently called on to assist in investigations involving the victims or perpetrators of sexual abuse, domestic assault, child abuse, or other types of trauma. These nurses are in charge of collecting blood and hair samples, and other DNA. They also assist law enforcement in their investigations and also provide testimonies in criminal trials.

Criminalistics. According to, “Criminalistics refers to the scientific analysis of evidence collected from the crime scene.” Criminalists look at all the evidence gathered in the crime lab, this includes, hairs, fibers, body fluids such as blood or spit (for the testing of the DNA), bullets, and others. Criminalists normally have a heavy science background, normally coming from something that’s chemistry or biology related. They also must be able to explain very complicated and scientific evidence (in a testimony) to the judge and jury.
The positive attributes of forensics. There are many positive attributes of forensics; one of the biggest and most important attributes is public safety. Forensic science is great for public safety because it can/will help police solve crimes were it would have taken years to solve, putting criminals in jail rather than keeping them on the …show more content…

Forensics is now recognized as one of the biggest ingredients in the cake of justice, It’s the whipping to the cake. The water to the soup, The caramel to the apple, The tires to the car. Without forensics the big serial killer would be out on the loose. The forensics team is so important that the police forces always will have the most state of the art equipment. That’s a lot to say especially since the actually police are still rolling around in one hundred and twenty thousand mile crown victoria’s. When somebody is killed there is always little hints left. No matter how small or large the hint or piece of evidence is, it’s the forensic scientists job to find

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