
Foreshadowing in Kate Chopin's The Storm Essay

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Foreshadowing in The Storm

Effectively using foreshadowing in a piece of literature enhances the reader's curiosity. One clear example of such usage is seen in Kate Chopin's writing. Her use of foreshadowing in the short story "The Storm" adds an element of intrigue, holding the reader's interest throughout. In this story a father and son, Bobinôt and Bibi, are forced to remain in the store where they were shopping, waiting for an approaching storm to pass. Meanwhile, the wife and mother, Calixta, remaining at home, receives an unexpected visit from a former lover of hers, Alcée. The two lovers ultimately consummate their relationship. Alcée then departs once the storm subsides, at …show more content…

This calmness, however, contrasts with the distant storm that has "sinister intention" accompanied by a sullen, threatening roar" (665). Using such strong, serious expressions to describe the approaching storm, Chopin develops a tone that evokes a sense of excitement and even concern from the reader. Also, because of its "threatening roar" (655), one can

infer that the storm will most likely be dangerous. Such an implication causes the reader to have heightened interest in what the storm

will bring.

Also, because it is introduced early on in the plot, it becomes clear that the main story's plot will develop and escalate from that point,

possibly focusing on the actual "Storm" Exactly what effects the storm will have on the characters remain to be known, coaxing the reader to continue the story. A second foreshadow can be seen when Chopin emphasizes that Calixta and Alcée have never been alone together since she got married. By mentioning that "[s]he had not seen him very often since her marriage, and never alone"

facts are revealed and several questions raised. The reader learns that Calixta has probably not been married to Bobinôt for a long time.

Also, Calixta's relationship with Alcée appears to have lessened once she did marry. Additionally, the reader learns that Calixta is entering an unfamiliar situation, because she has not been alone with Alcée for some

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