
Forms And Content : The Medium Is The Massage

Decent Essays

Part I: Theoretical Background

Forms and Content, Take 1:

This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage
• “We are in a period of fantastic change that’s coming about at fantastic speed. Your life is changing dramatically and you are numb to it” (1:46). o This quote plays to the reality that as a society we take things for granted. Today’s technology has pushed past the boundaries of what many people thought was possible, yet it does not seem that this is appreciated as often as it ought to be. Although this television special was done in the 60s, long before iPhones and MacBook Pros, the idea that we are numb to progress remains true today. In a world dominated by instant everything, perhaps life is moving so fast that people have stopped noticing it. This could be greatly problematic given that although technology has done a lot to improve people’s lives, this “progress” may come at a cost, whether it be people’s personal relationships, critical thinking, etc. It is important that people are aware of the reality they now live in.
• “In the new electric world where everybody is involved in everybody, where everybody is involved in complex processes that are going on in the total environment, the old identity cards that used to constitute private identity, the old means of finding out ‘who am I?’ will not work. People now have to encounter themselves in the inner-world, Kierkegaard, existential style, in order to know who they are” (15:15). o In this point in the

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