
Forrest Rainforest Observation Paper

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For my observation, I choose to visit the area of the Stanislaus National Forrest. I had wanted to see the changes over the few years from the rim fire. I headed up to the 120 towards Groveland and got as far as I could, but the road was closed. I stop for a moment to observe the area, and decided that I would take a different route to the area where I could look down below to see if I can catch anything with the Rim Fire affects.
In August of 2013, a severe and fast spreading fire, called Dubbed as the well-known largest fire in history, as “The Rim Fire.” The fire ha burned much of the forestland an area of approximately 402 square miles. I could see some of the damage and affects, even as of this visit a few years after it happened. Surprisingly, in some areas along the many miles and ranges we traveled to stop, some looked even more burned out than others did, then some areas looked untouched where some areas almost next door on another turn seemed destroyed. Many areas along these mountains were eerily quiet. It felt chilling and creepy. Yet, it was peaceful and still I could find beauty in the death that occurred. Later, the Rim Fire was investigated and found to have been caused by a careless hunter, one man and his idea to start an illegal …show more content…

I decided we would take it slow by car. It was a one lined road, mainly although two cars could pass by it was very rocky, dirty, and had no shoulder. This seemed to be leading us around somewhere. I didn’t find many signs to where this road would take us. However, the valley below was beautiful. I could see some effects of the rim fire, not up close and personal in the “hot zone” that I wanted to or ground zero that I had wanted to but enough that I could get an Idea what the area looked like from that view point. There were several areas along the way I could pull over as far as possible along the mountain and exit the car and walk to

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