
Foster Parent

Satisfactory Essays

Being A Foster Parent

Being A Foster Parent

By: Marnicia Moody


ENG 121 English Composition I

Instructor: Sarah Young

pg 1

Being A Foster Parent

Being a foster parent is a choice that I made with a lot of support from my family and friends. I

have always wanted to adopt but never knew I could be a foster parent at such a young age or without

having a husband. In August of 2013 Telaunda, my close neighbor and friend, put me in contact with a

department of human services caseworker who came to my house to talk with me and give me

information about the program.

Me and Tanya, the Oak Plains Academy caseworker, sat at my dining room table to talk about

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Then I do the fun part, shopping, I make sure they have at least five pairs of shoes and

clothes that fit. In my house looking good is a must. You do not have to look and feel like crap.

Being a foster parent is a lot of hard work though. They have therapy once a week, doctors

appointments, and meetings. The behaviors that I have to deal with are far worse. Although I get to pick

the child that gets placed in my home you never really know how they are going to respond. In my

experience a different home is a different environment so each child is going to act differently where

ever they are placed.

I have had children that have tried to kill themselves, fight, and get in trouble on

a normal basis at school. I consider my self lucky though. The stories I hear at the foster care meetings

Oak Plains Academy has once a month will blow your mind. Their are ladies that have been taking

children into their homes for fifteen years. Once I heard a child kicked out a window to runaway from a

foster home after trying to stab another child that was in the house with a fork. One child stole car keys

from a foster parents purse and took her car on a joy ride and crashed it. After hearing these different

situations I always make sure that I pick carefully about who I let in my

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