
Four Parenting Styles

Decent Essays

According to developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind, there are four main types of parenting styles. One style of parenting is ‘Authoritarian’ this type of parent is rigid, punitive, and have strict standards. The type of children that are created from this parenting style are unsociable, unfriendly, and withdrawn children. Another type of parenting style is ‘Permissive’, this type of parent is lax, inconsistent, and undemanding. The type of children produced from this parenting type are immature, moody, dependent, and have low self-control. Another type is ‘Authoritative’, which makes the parent firm, set limits, goals, and uses reason. The type of children produced from this parenting style have good social skills, likable, self-reliant, …show more content…

For example, Molly may want to go out with her friends and Friday evening but, when she asks her father can she go he says “no”. She pleads and says “Why not daddy?” and he simply replies ‘because I said so’. On the other hand, a ‘Permissive’ parent is lax unlike an Authoritarian parent. An example, of a ‘Permissive’ parent is Molly ask her father can she go out with her friends and her father simply replies “Yes”. An ‘Authoritative’ parent is firm but not as firm as an Authoritarian parent. For example, Molly will ask her father can she go out with her friends Friday evening and he will say “No”, she will ask “Why not?” unlike an Authoritarian parent that says “because I said so” he will say “because you did not finish cleaning your room like your mother and I told you to do”. An authoritative parent will provide a reason or explanation. An ‘Uninvolved’ parent is one that will not be around for Molly to ask if she is able to go out with her friends on Friday evening, the parent may not even check on Molly to see if she’s ok, as long as she has a place to stay and food on the table to eat she is cared for. Or if the ‘Uninvolved’ parent is there they may say’ Yeah, whatever. I’m going out too’, and may not care at what time she is going

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