
Frankenstein Character Analysis

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Once someone is entirely alienated from culture, they can revert to anger and vengeance as a coping method, because there is nothing else for them to live for. The Creature’s continual rejection by humans, especially its creator, has made it a threat to society. In a successful attempt to scare Victor, the Creature says “...I shall be with you on your wedding night,” (Shelley 156). The Creature’s attitude toward humans has changed tremendously since the beginning of his life due to continuous rejection and cruelty. It has reverted to vengeance and anger, mostly because Victor has refused to give it what it desires. Mellor informs readers of other reviewers’ opinions on the nature of the Creature, stating, “Lavater's treatise on physiognomy argued that the innate soul or character of the individual manifested itself in the person's physical appearance” (Mellor, 1). This argument further conveys that humans base one’s appearance on nearly every aspect of their disposition. The reason for the Creature’s outrage is not a display of its innate qualities, but a change of heart at mankind's expense. Bok’s opinion coincides with Shelley’s as she states that “The Monster may also be despised because he is actually an inaccurate imitation that is perhaps all too accurate: a living mirror of the monstrosity within man,” (Bok, 8). Shelley and Bok both agree that society is at fault for being overly cruel and judgmental. Everyday, people are alienated from culture because of how they

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