
Franklin D. Roosevelt And The Use Of Rhetoric . Franklin

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Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Use of Rhetoric Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) is one of the most influential presidents in history of the United States. In FDR’s 1941 speech, “On the War with Japan,” he discusses the necessity of going to war in Europe and what it means for America’s future. His leadership skills in combination with his speech causes society to go from an isolationist policy to being motivated to enter and win the war. Through the use of rhetoric, FDR is able to captivate the listeners and encourage them to actively participate in the war. Not only does he play on the emotions of the audience, he also appeals to their sense of patriotism and logic in order to persuade them to get involved in World War II. Prior to FDR and …show more content…

He is not only convincing, but also relatable to the audience. FDR states, “We are now fighting to maintain our right to live among our world neighbors in freedom, in common decency, without fear of assault” (Roosevelt par. 4). He is explaining the purpose of getting involved in the war. He appeals to the audience’s sense of logic in this statement by justifying the nation’s involvement in the war and making them understand that it is necessary. In this line, FDR it implying that if the Americans do not get involved in the war, their freedom will be stripped from them. He is showing them a possible consequence if they continue their isolationist policies which instills fear within them and makes them desire change. In this line, FDR makes the nation feel like a team. By using the word “our,” FDR shows that it is a team effort and that no one person is better than another. He is implying that they are all equals and it is their duty to fight to protect their right to freedom. In saying this, FDR is establishing the idea that the nation must fight as a team and win to keep the freedom that Americans currently have. FDR’s use of rhetoric continues to motivate his audience and makes them understand the significance of entering the war. Prior to the speech FDR presented, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii which killed over 2,300 Americans. The attack also sank twelve battleships, hurting the American navy.

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