
Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Power Of The Executive Branch In Foreign Policy

Decent Essays

Presidents after Franklin D. Roosevelt have viewed the Executive Branch as having supreme authority in foreign policy. George W. Bush justified the war on terror, Iraq, and Afghanistan that skirted congressional requirements by citing the Constitution. Bush believed that he was allowed to take these actions since he was “Commander in Chief” and had a duty to protect American. Bill Clinton used the same justification for his ordering of bombings in Afghanistan, and Sudan. I believe congress needs to lessen the power of the Executive branch on foreign policy. I firmly believe that President’s should be required to receive a declaration of war before they engage forces so America knows that congress has agreed too. The Supreme Court has weighed on the role of Legislative and Executive branch in foreign policy and sided on both sides. The Supreme Court has issued ruling favorable to the President and Congress. 1920s Missouri v. Holland and the Curtiss-Wright decision. …show more content…

George Washington believed the President had a role to play in foreign policy. Washington negotiated, and recognized other nations and also proposed policy for the US to follow. Franklin D. Roosevelt also expanded presidential power due to his use of the largely unconstitutional destroyer deal to help Britain stave off Nazis and a peacetime draft. Further, presidents like Reagan did not follow congress as evident with by funding the Contras even after the Boland Amendment. Likewise, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton actively bombed nations even without congressional approval because they believed they were allowed to under the Constitution. I believe Presidential dominance allows for a clear foreign policy that can be effective. However, I would acknowledge this also can lead to bad policy like the way we fight the war on terror and the war in Iraq. However, Congress can challenge

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