
The Battle Of The Presidency

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Mary Potts 11/3/15 Government 301 The Battle of the Presidency Our initial question asks why the President is the dominant force in foreign policy making within the U.S. government? A corollary is to ask whether or not the President should be the dominant force in foreign policy. This is an ongoing debate and tension between the Executive and Legislative Branches. First, we should understand that, under our current President, there is strong opinion that he should not be the dominant force for foreign policy. There are at least two opposing points of view regarding the role of the President and foreign policy. If one favors the Executive Branch, one takes the position that the Executive is better able to respond quickly and efficiently to changing conditions in world politics. If one favors the Legislative Branch, one takes the position that the Legislative is better able to consider, review, deliberate, and debate various points of view before deciding what course of action would best serve the interests of the entire nation. However, the power of the presidency arises from both express powers and applied powers under the US Constitution. In discussing the express powers of the presidency, we must first look to the express language of the US Constitution. The President is defined, among his duties, to be the commander in chief of the military. This means that everyone within the armed services must look to the President as the ultimate military authority.

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