
Franklin D Roosevelt's Weaknesses

Decent Essays

Out of all of the 45 U.S. presidents I believe that Franklin D. Roosevelt is the best out of all of them. With his Will to lead a country and his promises for a better tomorrow, he is the best U.S. president. With his ways to fix the problem that was the great depression. Secondly, his overall strength as a president made him last long and get a lot of stuff done. Lastly, his past of working with other things made him a great candidate to fix america. Franklin Roosevelt stated that, "The only thing we need to fear is fear itself." This is showing America that he is not afraid of anyone or thing and that he is determined to fix America in its bad state. Through his New Deal and his ways of keeping the U.S. out of fighting against the Europeans he was fixing America. Within his First hundred days he proposed, and congress enacted a program to bring back agriculture and businesses. His programs helped to bring America back from the brink of collapsing to a somewhat healthy state. He also enlisted "social security" which taxed the rich even more to help everyone else out in the long run. Franklin Roosevelt was a very intelligent. …show more content…

After his first term was over people wanted him back extremely bad so he had his second terms which was just as good as the first one. With all of his supporters he was going to enlarge the supreme court which would help his new key deals...but in the end he lost the case but he didn't give up on what he was trying to do. He pledged his "good neighbor" policy which would help keep America out of fighting any one that is out to get us. Roosevelt would never give up with what he was trying to

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