
Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

Decent Essays

The Metamorphosis, an ironically dejected novella by Franz Kafka tells the story of a family dealing with the fact that their son and brother was turned into a bug. The bug symbolizes the lack of control and acceptance through which Kafka implies that nothing in life is predictable so it's best to remain strong. When Gregor is first turned into a bug he realizes he has very little control of his body and soon finds out that he had no control over his life when it is revealed that his family had money and used Gregor for years. Through symbolism of the bug Kafka reveals how Gregor lacks control over his body and through the fact that no one can understand him. When Gregor wakes up only to discover that he is a bug, he struggles to get out …show more content…

When Gregor is trying to communicate with his family he soon discovers that no one “understands his speech”(Kafka, 951). When trying to explain everything is fine Gregor realizes …show more content…

Gregor for the longest time supported his family but since he became a bug and overhears their conversations he realized that he was wrong in the notion that his family had “nothing left”(Kafka, 973). Gregor worked at job he disliked only to discover that he didn't need to work because his family had money stored away. In his need to be accepted by his family he works hard giving up his wants to be, but when he finds out that all of his hard work wasn’t necessary he isn't mad, he his happy that his family will be ok without his help. Gregor has given up on wanting acceptance, because if he wasn't accepted as a human why would he be accepted as a bug, and now just wants his family to be happy and able to support themselves. In the end Grete Gregor's sister wanted Gregor to disappear but Gregor wanted that “even more”(Kafka 974). Gregor made the greatest sacrifice, his life, not only for his family but himself. Gregor in the end realizes that he will never be accepted so he let go of his hope and in the end regained his control by dying for himself. Greger was holding on to hope that one day his family would love him but he finally had to came to the conclusion that he would never be perfect in their eyes. He was happy to let go because he knew that his family has the money to take care of themselves and in the end

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