
Free College Admissions Essays: Unspoken Words

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Unspoken words.

A boy walks into school, nothing to specific about him, a little husky and less social than most other students. But there are things people don't know about this boy. The not knowing goes the same all ways. This boys sees this pretty girl every other day in his 3rd block math class, but he doesn't know her, he doesn't know where she's goes after school, or what she does. But he wants to. This particular girl interests him. She's different than the others, She looks how poetry sounds. She moves like the most calm ocean. Her blonde hair like something he had never seen before. Those luscious locks are what stood out to him the most. The boy can barely wait till the next time she raises her hand, just so he can hear her …show more content…

The boy wakes up, hops in the shower, he barely turns the handle, so only the coldest water can come out. Like icicles each drop hits him waking him up more and more. He needs to be alert, awake , he can't risk to stutter, or twist up his words. He hops out of the shower and grabs the towel hanging on the steel rack next to the the mirror. Dries off, brushes his teeth and combs his hair, similar to to every other morning, but this time with a little more care. He needs to look like a champion if he's going to even attempt to talk to this girl. The boy heads out to the kitchen where his mom has his breakfast waiting for him, they sit down and have small talk. He's too nervous to tell her he is going to approach the girl of his dreams today because he is scared of the what will happen. Almost Simultaneously the girl is at her house. Doing her make up in the mirror, doing her hair and kissing her mom goodbye, skipping out on breakfast to avoid arguing with her father about the belly button piercing she had gotten two days before. She gets into her old rusty silver civic and flips the windshield wipers on and off to to remove the small layer of frost that had appeared over night. The boys mom kisses him on the cheek, " have a good day honey, love you" "love you too" he replies as he heads out the back door. The cold fall air streams through his still wet hair. He shivers and continues too the bus stop. As he walks up the street rehearsing what he might say through

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