
Free College Tuition Essay

Decent Essays

While you grow up through school, you hear over and over that college is a must if you want to land a good job as an adult. That seems reasonable, I have to get a higher education to get a job with more money and potential. Then comes junior year and you go to look at schools and you see the price of tuition. Everything changes, college isn’t just a dream anymore it's a burden.

Tuition, which does include room and board and other fees, averages from 9,000 at an in state public university to 31,000 at a private university. Over 4 years that's 36,000 to 120,000 per student and that doesn't even factor in the cost of living at the schools. The average income of a U.S. citizen is around 52,000 so that would barely cover the cost of a public schools in state tuition. It shouldn't take a families entire …show more content…

For example, in Germany they have abandoned tuitions fees altogether even to outside students. An American student can travel the thousands of miles away from their family to Germany to get a free education in a different country. You still have to pay for rent but that pales in comparison to what you would pay in the United States. Free college has been thrown around in U.S. politics for quite sometime now but has never gained any momentum. The biggest issue with is that the government would have to raise taxes to subsidize the cost which never agrees with a large portion of the population. Another issues is that people are worried that the more wealthy students will benefit much more than than the poorer families still.

There's still no specific solution to this issue but something needs to be changed. College tuition rises every single year and student loans rise along with it. If we want kids to want to go to college and learn and contribute society better than we need to make it actually doable. College is a privilege but it should be an affordable

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