
Free Will Research Paper

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Free Will: the Reason for Evil in the World The aim for my essay is to identify the basis and root for evil in the world despite God being divine and good. That basis for evil being the free will that has been bestowed upon humanity. This, in my opinion, is the best and most conclusive solution to evil, despite arguments against the theory. My paper will be divided into several sections. Section 1 will illuminate the problem of evil through human freedom(s). Sections 2-3 will provide specific objections to free will as the catalyst for evil and will be followed by a proposed answer to these objections.

I. We know that God is not the creator of evil. This is evidenced by his/her sentiments upon the final day of creation. God declared, “It …show more content…

His/her very nature as an omnipotent and benevolent figure demands that evil will be conquered. Going further, one could say that God already has done something significant about terminating evil by sacrificing his only son, Jesus Christ, to deliver us from our own rebellion. He/she sent Jesus into the world to die for our salvation and thus, to defeat evil. Evidenced by Jesus’ death and resurrection, God’s omnipotence and benevolence are showcased through Jesus’ rising (miraculous/divine) and his/her selflessness to sacrifice his/her own son for humanity. This victory over sin and the grave solidified Satan’s eventual defeat. The Bible accurately predicted Christ’s first coming through almost 100 fulfilled prophecies promises that Christ will come again and will completely eradicate evil …show more content…

Rather, it cries out for him/her to be the solution. In his book “Mere Christianity,” former atheist C.S. Lewis noted, “My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line” (Lewis, 41). This is where the argument of evil, used as evidence against God’s existence, boomerangs into an argument for his/her existence. How would we innately know the difference from right vs. wrong? Surely this innate notion came from somewhere/something greater than ourselves. Continuing, if there is in fact an ultimate moral standard or law of justice, then there must be an ultimate moral Law Giver that knows the difference between good and evil. Without his/her moral law we would not even know what evil really is. And without his/her spiritual comfort we would not be able to tolerate evil because we would never have any solace, resolutions, or any realistic hope for

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