
Freedom And Freedom : The Importance Of Clinical Freedom

Decent Essays

Clinical freedom is the right of medical practitioners to decide and do whatever in their opinion was best for their patients. It had been common practice that medical practitioners subject patients to treatment procedures without any evidence of their efficacy, which not only will increase expenditures, but also may put patients to potential harm. Hampton considered clinical freedom as a myth and ‘a cloak of ignorance’, and believed that medical practitioners should base their clinical practice on evidence from randomized controlled trials to guide medical decision making and set aside dogma and biases (1). Using an example from the issue of active management of myocardial infarction, the author highlighted the importance of managing resources effectively on clinical and economic considerations, and suggested that interventions should not only be assessed for their efficacy in increasing likelihood of their desired effect, but also assessed with comparative trials against other alternative treatments. (1). In his conclusion, author felt that the end of clinical freedom is not to be regretted, for its end would allow treatment to be applied only after a properly conducted clinical trial and approved on a large scale after considering available resources and the efficacy of treatment.

This paper raises interesting questions in economics and resource management healthcare

Furthermore, the procedures would also have to be compared with other alternatives in terms of cost.

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