
Freedom Rider Essay

Decent Essays

. Louis's decision to live in the South begins his and Cecil's rocky relationship. Louis's college experiences reveal how different he and Cecil's perspectives are on black rights. Cecil see's life as fitting in to the “white right” world and abiding the laws. While Louis on the otherhand is ready to fight for equality and break down the racial stigmias formed againest the black community. Louis participates in a “sit in” where he is arrested for sitting in a white's only section. Cecil discovers Louis's emprisionment after seeing him on television. Louis reaches out to Cecil while in jail and two have their first disaggrement. Cecil: What’s so special about another colored man in jail? What are you doing with my hard earned money? Are you even in school?
Louis: I’m trying to change the way …show more content…

It's interresting to see how Kennedy's persective of racism changed after witnessing Cecil's son on the Freedom Rider's bus. Kennedy is later assiginated as we Louis transition into a Black Panther. After years of disappointment and frustration with his son’s involvement in the anti-establishment orginaztions, the tension between Cecil and Louis reach its peak. During his involvment with the Black Panthers Louis withdraws when their standpoints turn violent and at this point in the film Cecil is becoming more outspoken about Black black issues. Lousi goes on to graduate collegemaster's degree in political science and eventually running for a seat in Congress. Transitioning into Ronald Regan's term, Cecil earns much respect and attention in the White House after obtaining equal pay and career advancement for the staff. Cecil is then Invited by President and Nancy Reagan to be a guest at a state dinner. During the state dinner Cecil has an emphanany. This is the tutrning point of the movie. He looks around at all of the butlers serving the room as a voiceover emergers over the change of

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