
Freedom Riders Thesis

Decent Essays

I want to pursue my graduate studies on history at Cal State Los Angeles. I gained an interest in history as a career. I’m going to become one of the children from my family to pursue this endeavor. I see history as important information which teaches to not repeat past errors for society in the 21st century. Furthermore I want to see what jobs I can do in my current condition, after being diagnosed for multiple schelrosis and asperger’s syndrome.

I'm very committed on finishing the paper work; in fact I was successful on completing my thesis about Freedom Riders at the Univeristy of La Verne. Although I couldn’t finish this thesis without Dr. Sayles because said he told me that the Freedom Riders actually started with James Farmer because he created the Freedom of Reconciliation, which protested bus segregation on upper southern states’ buses; later this civil rights group turned into the Freedom Riders which protested segregation in the Deep South’s buses. It was very important for me to finished this because it helped me graduate from the University of La Verne.

Second, I'm curious about what historical information I can discover on United States history; at the same time I don’t want to be mislead by information that isn’t true. For example sources such as Wikipedia doesn’t have information that is …show more content…

I learned about finishing the history work which were given by Dr. Sayles and Dr. Marcus; they also told me to quote where I got the information when writing the history report. Dr. Marcus told me to subtitle the paragraphs so that my report is organized. As proceeded on completing this thesis, I came to the understanding that the Freedom Riders were significant on desegregating buses in the Deep South, despite obstacles such as sending the protectors to jail and J. Edgar Hoover not helping the Riders by not sending police when the Riders were beaten by the Ku Klux

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